Hello. I am Cristina Montoro
As your Integrative Psychologist and Psychotherapist, I am dedicated to empowering you to overcome life’s challenges and tap into your fullest potential. My comprehensive expertise combines the strengths of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and a profound understanding of the Humanistic approach, resulting in a multifaceted therapeutic experience that is designed with your specific well-being in mind. Incorporating Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy into our sessions allows us to explore the intricate interplay between your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By working together, we will devise actionable strategies to manage conditions such as anxiety, depression, or stress effectively. This approach is grounded in the belief that you possess the capacity for change and growth, and our collaborative efforts will be geared toward harnessing this potential to help you achieve your goals.
El Arte de Cuidar- Historias de una psicoterapeuta y madre expatriada
Para todo hay una primera vez…Y siempre resulta conmovedor estrenarse en algo….
Motherhood from An Existential Approach
Looking at you makes me transcend into something bigger than my ego….
Spring is finally here…
SPRINGIS FINALLY HERE…. Human beings naturally change and grow, just like nature does,…
Un camino hacia un buen trabajo terapéutico desde una visión integradora
El esquema de intervención de los cinco niveles en psicoterapia nace con…
Son tiempos complejos, críticos, desconcertantes, de inquietud general ….Nunca antes muchos de…
International Integrative Art Therapy Course
ART THERAPY I have just come back to Copenhagen from Jutland. I…