Spring is finally here…

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Human beings naturally change and grow, just like nature does, but life can be challenging sometimes. In these cases, it is essential to reconnect with your senses, with your heart, with your roots, and with your relationships in a trustful way.

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we need to awaken our full potential and overcome what challenges us. In psychological terms, resilience is the capacity that a human being has to recover quickly from difficulties. In physical terms, resilience is the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape (elasticity).

Imagine just for a second that any person in the world beyond any difficult circumstance they are in, can find the balance back into their bodies and minds and transform the vulnerability into strength. Doesn’t it sound like a utopia? I believe this capacity to recover is inherent to human beings and if we have enough will and trust we can experience its benefits. A clear example of this is the expats and refugees. When I meet them in my clinic, I can feel their respect and gratitude for life, no matter how hard life has treated them (war, illness, poverty harassment, sexual or drug abuse,…). Consciously or
unconsciously they decide to stop that fight and to choose the best that life offers them. They become receptive and grateful, everything they receive
in life is a gift (job, relationships, a place to live,…), not a fulfillment of demand, and nothing is taken for granted. Therefore, instead of allowing anger,
fear, or sadness to take over they choose that elasticity, adapt, and value the place and the circumstances they are in. The same can be said about the Sahrawi I met when visiting the refugee camps in Alger, they had a smile on their faces and in their hearts, despite the discriminatory political and social
circumstances they had to live in. They were lacking all kinds of resources, they had lost family members in the war, and even the territory where they used to live. But despite all of that, they never lost their hope, their trust, and their gratefulness for whatever little help they could get. Astonishing and
admirable, isn’t it?

No matter what the circumstance is we are never alone, and if we are there is always a choice, to share, to call, to request to be seen or listened to and understood. The power of asking for help and support is in itself healing: The key is accepting the vulnerability. Vulnerability is part of strength and we need to allow them to collaborate instead of compete. Many of my clients, most of them ex-pats based in Denmark, become anxious or depressed because they are not as strong, fast, or smart as they used to be. Because something traumatic happened in their lives that took their courage away. Their high demands don’t help them, instead of blaming themselves they should be compassionate and loving with themselves.

The inner critics are the worst obstacle someone can meet. We introduce values and demands according to our culture, family, and education and we forget about our instincts and intuition; we lose trust in our wisdom; we forget that we can develop our actions and values in a constructive way with ourselves and others. Acceptance and love are the main keys to initiating the healing process. When someone receives nurture and support old
wounds heal much faster. This is what my work is about, and that someone can make a choice and a contract with themselves to feel better is a
reality and a truth I would like to share with the whole world.

If you want to give it a try and experience life in a meaningful way, I encourage you to start a personal developmental process. The benefits of this commitment to yourself will allow you to re-connect with your full potential and to achieve the following benefits:

– Explore your inner self with curiosity rather than with fear.

– Identify your authentic needs and be able to fulfill them without judgment or shame. Give yourself joy and pleasure. Trust that you truly deserve it.

Relieve pain from old wounds. It is time to integrate what happened, let go, and allow yourself to live in the present.

– Develop your creativity and intuition. Find new activities and people that inspire you and trust in you being able to do anything you always dreamed of.

– Find peace and stability. Take off and land, fly, and go back to your center. Be dynamic with your mind, emotions, and body. Remember that resilience and self-regulation are physical and psychological proven facts.

– Become aware of your emotions, validate them, and don’t allow them to govern you. Nurture and take care of yourself.

Shadow and light will always be there; the key is how we use them. They are essential parts of the Self. The power is in the process.
We can all build bridges to connect real and ideal visions of the world. Find the courage to make your dreams blossom like flowers in the spring. Let your
essence shines and expands without limitations like the sunrise.

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