Looking at you makes me transcend into something bigger than my ego. This invites my intuitive side to take over, when this happens the dance becomes harmonic and all feels right and pleasant. When other parts of me: old wounds, fears, archaic beliefs, social concepts, useless beliefs want to govern ‘Mothering ‘becomes a challenge.
I remember vividly when I was taking my art therapy education and I decided consciously that I wanted to become a mother connected to her guts and the universal energy- Every dream (the unconscious language of the mind) since then has reminded me that that was and is the right path, and I try to follow it the best I can; though I lose my way and fall sometimes -as a human being is not perfect, mothers either. Let go of blameness, replace it with Compassion.
My love for you is ever-growing- and that is the best sign of all! We are growing together, is there something more magic and amazing than that? I have not found it…
Thank you sacred and beautiful ‘little free man’ for teaching me I can expand myself beyond any self-limitation. ???