Other Services
Couples Therapy
A space where couple dynamics will be explored and updated. Individual awareness comes first, so we will start by enhancing consciousness on what each one may need. Then, it will be addressed what channel of communication might be helpful to express, always being responsible and respectful with each other. Finally, we will draw a plan of resources to deal with meeting the needs or the feelings that will outcome when the needs can not be met by the partner. In sum, self regulation and co-regulation will be the core of this treatment.

This service is designed for psychotherapists or psychologists who may need to work on the cases they are working with on their own individual practice. Holding others might be challenging, therefore we need to be oriented, guided and helped by others. Professionals need the support from other professionals, to keep learning and growing in their knowledge and experience. This is a discipline that will always invite you to question yourself, your approach and/or method, therefore to keep always learning and get the support from others becomes essential. This also helps to build community, since this profession can feel very isolated sometimes.
I am an authorized psychologist by the Danish Supervisory Board (Ankestyrelsen), therefore the hours of supervision I offer will help psychologists who are looking to get their authorization. The requirement by the Danish Supervisory Board to get the authorization as a psychologhist is to have a certain amount of hours supervised by an authorized psychologist. If you need to read more information regarding this subject you can go to this link:
“Your inner strength is your outer foundation”. Allan Rufus
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The waiting list
If the workshop has already ended, don’t hesitate to write to me to reserve your spot for the next edition, and I’ll keep you informed about it.
I am at your disposal
If you have any questions about whether this service is for you, do not hesitate to contact me and we will clarify it.