After many years of psychotherapeutic practice working with foreigners I firmly believe that emotional and relational wounds have to do with the experience of belonging we have had in our early times.

Therefore I have dedicate over a decade to create safe spaces where self and relational knowledge was enabled. I have witnessed amazing processes in which once we pause, breath and re-connect with ourselves all unfolds in a natural and personal way. When we can be seen, heard and received in a non-judgemental way all our potential starts to be accessible to us. We bring light into shadow.

This projects consists of 3 workshops which will be held in July.
Every workshops will have exercises of mindfulness, body work and personal sharing.

The most important relationship we have is with ourselves. Therefore we will start by awakening the re-connection with our breath, body, emotions, mind and energy.

Secondly , we will reflect on the first group we ever took part which is our family; we will explore the existential position we had in the past and what we want for our future.
Freeing ourselves from old patterns is fundamental to meet who we really are as individuals.

Last but not least, when we move to live abroad ‘Belonging’ becomes essential and may bring discomfort when is not attended in the right way. We will also explore our experience nowadays with this and will offer us the greatest gift which is to have the option to be part of the relationships or community that bring us the best.


I offer an integral treatment based on behavioural, cognitive and humanistic psychology. The objective of each therapy is set up by the client, and can change during the therapeutic process. Mind, emotions and body will help to achieve the objectives of each person. Diversity and uniqueness are a reality in human life. Since we are all different, we need different methods to awake consciousness and boost our potential. During the first sessions we explore which techniques you feel most comfortable with and will focus on working with them. The techniques I work with are based mainly on cognitive behavioural therapy, transactional analysis, gestalt therapy, psychodrama, brain spotting, body focusing, art therapy and mindfulness ( among others).

⭐️ 3 workshops.
📆 Dates: 1st July, 8th July, 29th of July
🕐 Time: 16:15 hrs- 18:45 hrs
📍 Place: Struenseegade 13A, 1st floor 2200 KBH N.
🏷️ Total Fee: 1500 DKK ( for the three workshops)
* Early bird – if you pay before 1st of June: 1300 DKK
You can pay by Mobilepay to this number: 73883

It will be a safe space. Friendly and diverse group. Snacks will be offered. Bring comfortable clothes and a journal. Whatever question you have I will be glad to help. Please feel free to private message me by fb, instagram or write me a text message to ( 0045) 71723014.

“Your inner strength is your outer foundation”. Allan Rufus
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